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Cash flow Modeling Webcast English

495,00 €

Plus VAT

Reduced price – Please log in or register.
  • for members of IMMOEBS, IREBS Core
  • for graduates of the IREBS Real Estate Academy
445,00 € Plus VAT

Contact person

Glikeria Schmid




In self-study, guided by experienced lecturers, you will acquire profound knowledge of cash flow modelling, learn to implement this knowledge in Microsoft Excel and apply it in practical solutions for your everyday professional life.


Step by step, we introduce you to the elements of a cash flow model and illustrate the implementation with concrete examples in Microsoft Excel. You will deepen the relevant know-how from investment theory in an application-oriented manner and transfer it to a calculation scheme. On this basis, you will apply your acquired knowledge on special cases from practice. This provides you with a comprehensive toolbox to answer the questions that arise in your everyday professional life in a targeted manner. This also includes weighing up the modelling depth and interpreting analysis results.


In the webcast, you will learn to model the cash flow of real estate and internalize how loans work in cash flow modells and the basic effect of taxes. In detail, you will implement individual rental contracts and staggered capex. Afterwards, you describe the cash flow set up in this way by means of net present value and cash value as well as various yield and credit ratios. Risk analyses e.g. sensitivities, scenarios and simulations are also an important aspect. For all calculations you use standard Microsoft Excel functions, the knowledge of which is useful beyond cash flow modelling. The webcast comprises a net lecture time of approx. five hours. The webcast is available to you for eight weeks. After completing the webcast, you will receive a certificate of attendance.

Price 495,– €
plus 19 % VAT
+ for graduates of the IREBS Real Estate Academy
+ for Members of IMMOEBS e.V. or IREBSCore e.V.
445,– €
plus 19 % VAT

The operating system required for the seminar is Windows 10 or newer and Microsoft Office 2016.

Further information on this seminar offer can be found at

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